How To Get A Builders License

Are you a construction or home service business in Athens Alabama? Please follow these steps to apply for a license and join Athens Alabama Builders.

Steps to follow:

  1. Go to this website:
  2. Under Applicants – follow instructions
  3. Decide what License you are wanting and following the sites steps
  4. When you complete your test you can search by your zip code for the best site to take the exam at.  There is one in Athens – on East Hobbs Street across from the First Baptist Church thru Athens State.  You can also go to Huntsville.
  5. Once you get your license go to the Athens-Limestone Home Builders Website and you can either join by the online application or print it off and call the Office to join.

Please call 256-998-5399 or email   if you need  more information and assistance.